Monday, July 17, 2006

Amen Omen

One of my first Sundays here, Jean preached on "The Chicken Truck of the Heart." The title was talking about earlier that week when he, Jordan, Dave, Austin, & I climbed into an 18-wheeler full of rotting chicken & threw it piece by piece out into the dumpster. Except in the sermon, he said that "sometimes there're jobs that we just can't ask the volunteers or interns to do, & that's when we as staff really have to step it up." Later in the sermon, he said that the three of us interns had been in there as well, but my initial reaction was to think indignantly, "Hey!! I was in there! I want credit too!" Funny thing is, the sermon was about pride, and how as fallen men and women we seek worthiness and praise in our own good works and best efforts--and how our glory and worthiness is unearned and comes completely from God.

This last Sunday, Curt preached on 1 Corinthians 12:15-21, a passage which speaks about the diversity of spiritual gifts. Then, just today, I found myself beating myself up for not having that many "practical" skills, & thinking how lame it is that what I'm best at is writing. Wait, hold up--who am I to think or say that? God gave me a love for words--for their sounds and meanings, how they can spur imagination or capture memories in a way that's deeper & more long-lasting than pictures. But sometimes it's hard for me to see that as a useful thing, especially here where people need their houses wired, their roofs put on, and I don't know how to do that.

But, four things:
1) I can learn to do those things, and am learning.
2) Just because certain needs exist, doesn't discount the value of other abilities that don't directly respond to those needs.
3) I'm 20 years old. Not that there's ever a point at which anyone has his orher life "figured out," but there's definitely an expectation that a person has his talents, skills, & preferences pretty much sorted by his forties or so. And I think that more and more that's filtering down--every once in a while, I have a moment of clarity and can get outside myself to see, "I'm 20 years old. It's ok that I don't know what I want to do yet, & it's definitely ok that I'm still learning how to do & experience new things."
4) God's got me. He doesn't mess up. He's given me exactly what I need to do what he's put before me. (BTW, he's also got me exactly where he wants me in life, too. Was reminded of that this week--two thumbs up for good friends.)

So, deep thoughts for this week.
Also, quality lyrics by Ben Harper:
What started as a whisper,
Slowly turned in to a scream.
Searching for an answer
Where the question is unseen.
(Amen Omen)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wise you are for only 20. I too heard the "chicken truck" sermon and was challenged in the same way. How easy it is to let pride slip in! Be encouraged...God can use you right now, just the way you are! You're right...He has put you in this place at this time for His purpose and plan! Keep up the good fight and look to see how God will amaze you in His time.

3:04 PM  

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