Being a tern is hard...
I guess life is hard, but it's so obvious down here. I am blind to what's really going on around me. God has chosen to use me (and I know I'm too broken to even know how broken I really am) to take part in the restoration of the Gulf coast. He has sovereignly arranged for me to spend my summer bleeding, sweating, and crying for the advancement of His kingdom, but that's not how I see it. I curse the cuts, the heat, and the pain. I stand in the shower after a long day thinking about how many hours I've put in, and how much I should be getting paid. I crave recognition for what I'm doing.
How does He use people like me to work such wonders as bringing hope to the hopeless and salvation to sinners?
Praise God.
How does He use people like me to work such wonders as bringing hope to the hopeless and salvation to sinners?
Praise God.
Whoa, an honest & serious post, & it's amazing. Maybe we should do more of those. All I can think to say is, don't think you're the only one who can't seem to think & feel the right way about what we're doing down in the bay this summer. Most, very likely all of us, struggle with the exact same thing. We're all messed up together. Isn't it great?? :P
That, and one of the good things that came out of being back here for a few days is that I had the chance to find out just how many people are praying, & praying hard, for everyone at Lagniappe. And that's what's going to get us all through. I still can't believe that we're the people God wants down here. Seems crazy. But at least we've got loads & loads of people praying that he'll use us in spite of ourselves.
See you all tomorrow.
PS I'll be the girl in the falling-apart jeans. Just in case you forgot. :P :)
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