Once upon a time...
Once upon a time, in a land far-far-away in the kingdom of Jasper there lived a mouse named 'Hunkamonka.' I first met Hunkamonka when the boat I sailed out of Bay St. Louis on washed up on the shores of Jasper. Now Hunkamonka was an adorable little mouse and looked very much like someone else I had met. So I asked her if she had ever met someone named Lily. Hunkamonka assured me that she had not. That was good enough for me so we decided to color in her magic coloring book. What is magical about it you ask? Well, I didn't know this at first but everyone who colors in it becomes an artist. We colored for a little while and I looked over at Hunkamonka and told her she was quite an artist and in her squeeky mouse voice she replied, " I know." After several more pages of crayola fun Hunkamonka turned to me and said, "David, you're an artist, too." Feeling rather accomplished I smiled and said, "Thank you." To celebrate our artistic endeavors we did what all great minds do... we made silly faces. When it was time for me to leave I sailed away thinking, "What an affirming little mouse and a magical place the land of Dalrymple in the Kingdom of Jasper is!"
After reading your story, I thought, "what a wonderful tale." Yet, it is no tale at all, but a day in the life of Hunkamonka.
Signed: Dootieflaucher
i cant wait til Hunkamonka reads this. she's going to love it. so cute.
you're right dave - i, too, think lil hunkamonka looks particularly similar to lily bean, but i asked her about it and she had no idea what i was talking about...must be a different but equally incredible girl
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