Wednesday, January 31, 2007

the victorian age in literature

Here on the east coast, it's 1:30 a.m. Thursday morning. I've got about eleven hours yet to go until I emerge from the black hole that is my Monday to Thursday every week, in which I am swallowed by a back-to-back schedule of classes, meetings, and work. I sleep very little. I am also about twenty-nine hours from heading back to the Bay for the weekend... to not watch the Saints play in the Super Bowl. :P

But for now, at 1:32 a.m. on a Thursday morning, from one of my lit. books, check this out--

"Religion in most countries, more or less in every country, is no longer what it was, and should be--a thousand-voiced psalm from the heart of Man to his invisible Father, the fountain of all Goodness, Beauty, Truth, and revealed in every revelation of these; but for the most part, a wise prudential feeling grounded on mere calculation; a matter, as all others are now, of Expediency and Utility."

That's Thomas Carlyle writing in 1829, in an essay called "Signs of the Times." Look at how he compares religion as we've made it--a "prudential feeling," calculated, based on expediency and utility--to what it could, should, and is meant to be--

"... a thousand-voiced psalm
from the heart of Man to
his invisible Father, the fountain
of all Goodness, Beauty, Truth, and
in every revelation of these..."

Monday, January 22, 2007

lagniappe, colonial style

Well, my few weeks of complete vegetation have sadly come to an end. They were completely & thoroughly appreciated & enjoyed. Even despite the mass quantities of sleep, however, I still did manage to get quite a lot accomplished. Among the highlights,
1) finding a new home for Peje; I agree with Emily Mark--it's way too early for me to resign myself to what Jean once called "the mark of death" :P
2) spending a day in New York with my Dad... there's this amazing bookstore called the Strand on Broadway & E 12th that's inCREDible... my favorite store in the world, easy
3) going on runs on the XC trails behind my high school... I didn't realize how much I missed the woods... 2007 needs to include a backpacking trip, for sure
4) finally, finally cleaning out all my drawers, closets, and taped-up boxes full of clothes that don't fit me anymore... with the exception of one box that's still in a friend's basement, they're all gone, and that's a good, good feeling
5) Dharma Bums, by Jack Kerouac -- good book
6) Filling out my application to go to India for the first 6 weeks of the summer :)

And now, it's time to go back to school. I can't wait! I'm so excited to see all my friends, & to move into a new dorm, & to take what look to be some interesting & (of course) challenging classes. The Volunteer Listserve email has already gone around, & I've signed up for the Valentine's Day blood drive... I may have never gotten a valentine's present, but I sure like to give presents, & I figure this one's a pretty good one. In the job department, I'm starting back at the library (Swem) on Wednesday, although I'm going to look around for a better paying job.... maybe Home Depot? Put my new skills to use? ;) Beginners swing dancing lessons start next week, as does RUF & TSA (Transfer Student Ambassadors), & I'm super-excited for both. (Sarah Denton, if you're reading this, be proud... you inspired me :) ) Now all I need is to line up some gym partners, & I'll be set for what is sure to be another crazy semester.

One of the challenges will be, I'm sure, applying the truths I've learned over these last months at Lagniappe. Like, where does self-worth come from? It's so, so easy to buy into what W&M is all about--working yourself into the ground for academic success, & of course, looking really good while you're doing it. Believe me--we're not the public Ivy for nothing. We're all very good at selling ourselves body & soul to the English department, or Biology, or Government, or whatever. And the gym. Just like how at Lagniappe it's oh so easy to work 14 hour days & stretch yourself to the breaking point. Both of which can be a good thing--a God-glorification instead of self-gratification--if the driving motivation is to serve & honor our Father.

Well, me & my Participating in the Restoration shirt are ready to go.
The car's packed, & I'm heading back south (finally!) in the morning.
Let's bring some tool crib to the 'burg. :)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Well, here I am--Jersey Ryn, posting from Jersey. What's life like after Lagniappe? So far, for me, a few runs, a LOT of feeling really crappy (thanks to getting my wisdom teeth out), a lot of driving (a one day there-and-back to VA for a wedding), a lot a LOT of movie watching, and some family drama. And basically getting nothing accomplished off my to-do list. Except for sleeping a lot, which I suppose counts for something. ;)

Mostly, though, it's a lot of missing people--from Lagniappe & W&M. I guess I'll be back haunting the campus coffee shops before I'll be back in the bunkhouse though... although I'm going to try to make it back ASAP!

Until then... time for another movie? I think so.