so it's 8:00 am
and I'm sitting in the dark in front of Andy's computer. I've been awake for the past hour (working the tool crib leaves your body a little confused about when normal people are supposed to be awake :) I don't have a lot to post except this. Last night was one of the most incredible wind storms I have ever been in the middle of; I knew I needed to be worried when Conrad started battening down the hatches of all the trailers. As I'm holding tightly to a metal pole while lightning is flashing almost continuously above me (I was trying to get the hammock down...) I thought of Psalm 104 which says
O Lord my God you are very great;
You are clothed with splendor and majesty.
He wraps Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens
like a tent
and lays the beams of His upper chambers on their waters.
He makes the clouds his chariot
and rides on the wings of the wind,
He makes winds his messengers,
Flames of fire his servants.
You are clothed with splendor and majesty.
He wraps Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens
like a tent
and lays the beams of His upper chambers on their waters.
He makes the clouds his chariot
and rides on the wings of the wind,
He makes winds his messengers,
Flames of fire his servants.
Right before the storm the sky was an incredibly eerie but beautiful mixture of dark gray-blue and then pastel light-blue and yellow. There was what appeared to literally be a blanket of yellow and gold clouds spread across the top of the sky, while to the west the sun set behind a beautiful line of deep golden orange clouds. I describe that and want to delete it because it cannot do justice to what I saw, but I'll leave it as a pathetic attempt. I thought about taking a picture, but that doesn't work either. As I held onto the metal pole-simultaneously frustrated at the hammock for not coming down and amazed by the wind and lightning display around me I realized that my view of God is just much smaller than it ought to be. The meaning of this verse was redefined for me and I have a new awe when I read "He makes winds His messengers and flames of fire His servants" !
dont you love the sky right before a huge storm. you can see that God is stirring everything up and about to lay it down.
i remember the way the sky looked before the storm on the day of alisha's daughter's birthday. David and i were standing outside and i couldnt help but stand there and stare in awe. your description reminds me of that day. i wish i couldve seen it.
i miss you sarah, my anomoly. i hope youre doing well. cant wait to see you at the women's conference... you are going right?
that hammock causes more trouble than it's worth... i couldn't stand it if you were hurt because you were standing out in a storm trying to get that hammock down. you, my girl, are brave. i miss you so much.
Blessings from N. Ireland!
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