Monday, August 21, 2006

bonjour, peje

(Disclaimer: Not sure this is where we're supposed to be posting anymore, but whatev.)

Let's recap two pretty sweet days.

Sunday: My Mom & I spent the day in Brooklyn, Soho, & Chinatown. The Brooklyn Tabernacle was, as always, a great experience. It's so much fun to be standing in the balcony, while thousands of people sing & stomp & clap, & the balcony shakes under you. Also discovered that Mulberry, one of my favorite words, is the name of the street running through Little Italy. Thought that was kind of cool. And called Eric & Emily on the way back to see how MCATs didn't go (answer: great), but got continually cut off due to some really bad service coverage. BUT, not before Eric got to hear--from my mom--her reaction to my tattoo.

Monday: OK, this is going to be long, but a lot happened & I can't tell each of y'all about it, so I'll just have to write about it. This morning (well, yesterday morning, I guess), I started off the day driving up the parkway north to Red Bank, & had an appointment with my nutritionist, which went really well. Then, drove farther up the parkway & crossed into PA (shoutout to Haley & Dave!!) to visit some friends from Lehigh (side note: It's really important to me to keep up friendships, & I've been known to drive insanely far distances for even ridiculously short periods of time to get to see a friend). I had lunch with Steph (& got to tell her all about the Guster concert from Friday night--inCREDible!), then spent the afternoon with Katie W & got to see the house she's living in this year; she's done an amazing job with it, planting morning glories everywhere, & she's got a tomato garden growing in the backyard. She's sewing curtains for the windows, & her neighbor is an artist. Yeah, Katie's pretty much one of the coolest people I know. :)

So is Katie P, who I went to meet up with in Union, NJ for dinner. If you remember the night we prayed in the guys' side of the bunkhouse, Katie's the girl I asked you to pray for. It was SO good to get to see her, & she's been back from TX & doing so good for eight days. I am SO proud of this girl. I got to see where she works (an animal hospital) & her mom's house, & dinner was good, too. And, on top of all that... she gave me, completely free & complete with tons of necessary "accessories"... a little tiny kitten. That's right. Me, who doesn't even like cats, now has a little calico kitten. Its story is, it's one of a dozen that were dropped off, & it's a runt, so they've had trouble placing it. As usual, I've got a soft spot for the runts. Without quite thinking through everything, I soon found myself driving back south, with a kitten in the passenger seat (of my mom's car--as my transmission is theoretically being fixed--who, btw, is allergic to cats. Also, who knew that Benadryl is for allergies?? I thought it was for sleeping. So, Tom, extra extra thanks for sharing yours, when you probably needed it way more than I did.). Anyway, there I was, next to a loud, meowing kitten that didn't seem to want to be quiet. And what do I know about kittens? (Or about how to make them be quiet?) Well, on top of being cute & curious & inquisitive & soft & fuzzy, my kitten also has excellent taste in music. A Patty Griffin song (Tony) came on & within seconds, my little kitten quieted down. So, what to name her? I didn't like Patty or Griffin... P.G.... P.G..... Peegee.... Peje, with the "j" like in "Jean." Peje. My own little kitten. (What a weird, weird sentence).

The best part? I was about another forty minutes down the parkway before I realized, "No way. No WAY." (*pause to let head bang against steering wheel in disbelief*) "I did it. I became Crazy Old Cat Lady. And I'm only 20! No passing go, skipped right past the whole still-middle-aged-and-single thing. Direct to Crazy Old Cat Lady. GAHHH!" :P

And, I kind of wanted to wait & surprise Christy, Emily & Eric, & Kim with little Peje. But I just couldn't wait to blog about it. :)

Much tern love to y'all. Prepare to be inundated with phone calls as I start my long journey south. Let's hope there's not too many dead patches.

Road Trip
Wednesday: W&M (Nyssa)
Thursday: Hickory, NC (Christy)
Friday: B'ham/T'town (Eric & Emily, Kim)
Saturday: BSL!

Uhh..which way is south?

David: Yo, Haley. Can you see any of the 'terns from up here?

Haley: No, I think they're all too far away to see. But I see them in my dreams every night.

David: Do you think they miss us? Or maybe they're just extremely jealous that there's two 'terns in the same place.

Haley: I'm sure they miss us... I mean who wouldn't? But now I can see why PA didn't have to enter into the petty squabbling about which state is better. PA is way cooler than Texas.

David: Man, that's the truth... So how long do you think it will be before we stop calling ourselves "'terns?"

Haley: We're always going to be 'terns.

David: Alright, well you can argue that with them when they kick us off the intern blog.

Haley: They won't kick us off.

David: Well, we should blog this picture while we still can use it to communicate with everyone.

frozen burritos and drinkin' right out o' the bottle

School has officially started. I'm sitting in the computer lab in my old dorm and I have an hour until I have to be at work (clearly not enough time to walk approx. 20 mins back to my appartment and then walk back 20 minutes later). The only other person in the computer lab is another student with headphones on listening to some vicious techo music...quite loudly. Even though I'm across the room from him, I'm reminded of our dear friend Zech. It sounds like a killer dance mix with about 4 seconds of music skipping....over and over. Anyway, just got back from my first class. It was a lame library "mini-class" that everyone in the arts and sciences college has to take. It only meets once and everything from then on is online. If everything goes as planned, I will only have classes on tuesdays and thursdays this semester. I moved into my appartment this last thursday. Its a little over a mile from the edge of campus. So, when I get a bike, I will be golden. The last few days I've been attempting to move in and begin life in Lincoln. Last night for dinner I had a frozen burrito and since moving in I haven't wanted to wash dishes much, so I had a big jug/bottle/container of orange juice I was drinking right out of. Hadn't really done that much before- it was quite freeing. Dirty dishes in the sink, piles of chaos everywhere, drinking oj right out of the bottle and cheap frozen foods- isn't that what college is all about? (sigh) I've been frequenting my D. Webb and Patty Griffin cds- they're pretty much flippin awesome and remind me of you guys. Kim sent me an e-mail and she mentioned the fact that going back to college reminded her of Mr. C Gray: He changed and New Or-le-ans didn't. As Kim mentioned, I feel like I changed and Lincoln didn't. The transition has been odd. On that note, I've appreciated the calls and text/facebook/email messages y'all have sent- it's been awesome. I've had requests to tell y'all about the Chicago trip. I don't have my camera with me now, but I'll try to post some thoughts about the trip and maybe some pictures of Nebraska (woot!) on the new blog and attempt to start the blog transition. I miss y'all so much and hope you're doing well.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

so it's 8:00 am

and I'm sitting in the dark in front of Andy's computer. I've been awake for the past hour (working the tool crib leaves your body a little confused about when normal people are supposed to be awake :) I don't have a lot to post except this. Last night was one of the most incredible wind storms I have ever been in the middle of; I knew I needed to be worried when Conrad started battening down the hatches of all the trailers. As I'm holding tightly to a metal pole while lightning is flashing almost continuously above me (I was trying to get the hammock down...) I thought of Psalm 104 which says

O Lord my God you are very great;
You are clothed with splendor and majesty.
He wraps Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens
like a tent
and lays the beams of His upper chambers on their waters.
He makes the clouds his chariot
and rides on the wings of the wind,
He makes winds his messengers,
Flames of fire his servants.

Right before the storm the sky was an incredibly eerie but beautiful mixture of dark gray-blue and then pastel light-blue and yellow. There was what appeared to literally be a blanket of yellow and gold clouds spread across the top of the sky, while to the west the sun set behind a beautiful line of deep golden orange clouds. I describe that and want to delete it because it cannot do justice to what I saw, but I'll leave it as a pathetic attempt. I thought about taking a picture, but that doesn't work either. As I held onto the metal pole-simultaneously frustrated at the hammock for not coming down and amazed by the wind and lightning display around me I realized that my view of God is just much smaller than it ought to be. The meaning of this verse was redefined for me and I have a new awe when I read "He makes winds His messengers and flames of fire His servants" !

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

let me tell you a story.....

have you ever stopped to think about the way God puts thing together for us in such an amazing way. as most of you well know... i had no idea what i was going to be doing at the end of the summer. i felt that God was leading me away from Lagniappe... but He was also telling me that i couldnt stay at home (my family is utterly amazing and incredibly supportive, but my life outside of them wasnt the best situation for me, or anyone, to be in... thats a longer story in and of itself). driving back to the bay from a week leading at Urban Young Life camp with Christy, Stephanie, and David... i began to feel increasingly overwhelmed to the point of tears (i think i might be a little too emotional... sorry guys). i began to confide in them about my situation. i didnt know what to do... i didnt know where to go... i knew God was leading me from Lagniappe and home but i didnt know where he wanted me (keep in kind that we only had a week left until the end of the summer). being the wonderful friends they are, they prayed for me on the ride home. i felt a little better but i knew that nothing had been settled.
our last week passed a lot quicker than i thought it was going to. on thursday night the remaining 'terns went over to the Larroux's house for a subway and pancake dinner. so much fun but still strange without all the other 'terns there. towards the end of the evening, only Christy, David, Melissa (David's friend from home that was going to be riding up with him to drop me off in TN on their way back to PA), and i remained at the house with Jean and his fam. while everyone else was inside, Jean and i were sitting on the porch when he began to call me out. "what are you doing, Haley? why are you leaving the bay? if youre not going home where are you going?" all valid questions... valid questions that i couldnt answer. i told him that i felt confident that God was leading me away from the bay... but that He was also leading me away from home. after talking a while longer, he suggested that i ask Melissa if i can come to PA and move in with her (fyi... i had just met Melissa about... uh... 20 minutes ago!). he said that it would be good for me to live with a woman close to my age who had such a close relationship with the Lord and i could get involved with Network (the ministry she works for) and basically take refuge in God. i thought that was a great idea. one problem. there was no way i was going to ask her if i could move in with her... she would think i was crazy! to which Jean's response was, "ok... well then we'll pray that she asks you." oh ok... that sounds like that could happen... YEAH RIGHT! i conseaded and we began to pray... "God, we think this is stupid... we're just going to lay that out there since You know we're thinking it. we dont think You're going to be this. but please lay it upon Melissa's heart to ask Haley to move up to PA with her. we know this would be a good enviroment for Haley..." after we finished praying, i looked at Jean and said, " i feel bad because i dont think she's going to ask me." then came his response, " does it make you feel any better that i dont think she is going to either?" uh... no. "act in faith, Haley. pack a bag and you will go." i left the house with this overwhelming feeling of peace and confidence which stayed with me all night and into the next morning.
the next day, i had misplaced my wallet so Melissa had stopped to help me find it. we began to talk and she asked me what i was going to be doing once i go home. i gave her the gist of it... didnt know... wasnt in school... felt led from both here and home... willing to go anywhere... just needed options. she told me that she thought we were going to have some great converstion on the way home. still had the feeling of peace an confidence.
we left the bay around 2:30. not an hour after we left Melissa said, "ok, Haley... lets talk options." ok. "i think that you should just come up to Chambersburg and live with me." WHAT?! i was speachless... but God gave me the words. i told her about the conversation with Jean the night before. how we had prayed specifically for that. she said that she had thought it earlier but didnt want say anything because she's learning to wait on things. (keep in mind that we had met the night before and that she didnt even know anything about me... just that i was friends with David and was riding up with them to TN.) after talking about for a while she said, "i dont know... i just think youre going to come." "yeah... i am." come to find out that David had praying for the past week that Melissa and i would meet and that i could somehow get involved with Network as well. later Christy told me that it had entered her mind as well and that she was praying about it too. woah. Melissa and i both felt that this was God will but we wanted it to be confirmed... confirmed by her roommate and her landlord. so we prayed that God would grant us the "go ahead" by allowing those two to be ok with it. she called both... her roommate was completely fine with it and her landlord was too.
David and Melissa stayed two night at my parent's house with me. my parents are extremely supportive and knew that this was and is from God. they got to spend some time with Melissa and see that she's not an axe murderer or a member of a cult.
tomorrow morning i'm leaving for Chambersburg, PA. i'm excited... i dont have any expectations... i really cant have any. i know that God is bringing me there for a reason... i just dont know what yet... but i'm excited. please keep me in your prayers... y'all are all in mine.

Monday, August 14, 2006

A Tribute to Patty Griffin (or, A Nap That Was Worth A Thousand Dollars)

So, it’s still true that I hate airports… although it’s not their fault, really. It’s just that I hate having to say goodbye—and a long weekend of goodbyes kicked off at 4:45ish am at the Gulfport airport. Echoing Christy Dale’s choice of Friday morning as one of the best Lagniappe memories, though. It was the definition of bittersweet. My ipod cycled through D. Webb & Patty Griffin (not crappy music, Eric, but just what I need, anyway :P ) all the way to Atlanta, during my layover, and then into Norfolk… then through the drive home to NJ.

I've had some time to think about you
And watch the sun set like a stone
I've had some time to think about you
On the long ride home

At about 3:30 am, I fell asleep (irony there somewhere, right…?) and crashed into the side of the Delaware Memorial Bridge… fortunately, no one else was hurt, and I just banged up my head a little. I got a flat tire, which after this summer I knew how to change (although—Kim, Tom—being stranded on the side of a road isn’t near as much fun by yourself!). I finally made it home at 6 am (and later found out that the damage totaled about $1,000).

Well, a long night turns into a couple long years
Of me walkin' around, around this trail of tears
Where the very loud voice of my own fears
Is ringin' and ringin' in my ears

The wedding was beautiful, Amanda was beautiful, and the look on Jonathan’s face when she walked down the aisle was beautiful (ps, I couldn’t manage to find one dress that would work for both, but I found a basic brown-and-white polka dot one for the wedding, and a black one for the service). It was outdoors in a cranberry bog, and the sky was every bit as big as it is in Mississippi. Their story is so great… they just graduated (her from Charleston Southern, him from Liberty) and have been together since their sophomore year of high school (my eighth grade year), doing the long-distance thing all four years of college. She teaches kindergarten and he… well, I’m not sure what he does. I sat on the bride’s side. :P

Camping with the little brother was awesome, too. My ankle is off still so I was really slow and we couldn’t go all that far, but we hiked into a lean-to and roasted hot dogs & marshmallows, then hiked out the next morning (this morning) and made it back to Manahawkin in time for the service—which, as it turns out, my Mom got put in charge of organizing (speaking of my mom… best reaction to a tattoo *ever*--“Oh… I’m SO sorry!”… hilarious). So I helped her out with the flower arrangements. At the service, she wasn’t able to get up to say anything, so I got up and said a little bit…

I was going to write a post, like some of you have already done so well, reflecting back on this summer. But I just don’t have the right words. Collectively, y’all’ve radically changed the way I live life. And you’ve each individually made an impact that I won’t ever forget. I love you all. I hope you know that. For evidence, I submit that I’ve already seen Kim, Emily, and Eric walking, and Sarah, Stephanie, and Tom driving around my town. Not really, but I think that I just wanted to badly enough that I tricked myself into thinking I really did. :P Is it time for the ‘tern reunion yet? Ohman.

May you dream you are dreaming, in a warm soft bed
And may the voices inside you that fill you with dread
Make the sound of thousands of angels instead
Tonight where you might be laying your head

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, in a land far-far-away in the kingdom of Jasper there lived a mouse named 'Hunkamonka.' I first met Hunkamonka when the boat I sailed out of Bay St. Louis on washed up on the shores of Jasper. Now Hunkamonka was an adorable little mouse and looked very much like someone else I had met. So I asked her if she had ever met someone named Lily. Hunkamonka assured me that she had not. That was good enough for me so we decided to color in her magic coloring book. What is magical about it you ask? Well, I didn't know this at first but everyone who colors in it becomes an artist. We colored for a little while and I looked over at Hunkamonka and told her she was quite an artist and in her squeeky mouse voice she replied, " I know." After several more pages of crayola fun Hunkamonka turned to me and said, "David, you're an artist, too." Feeling rather accomplished I smiled and said, "Thank you." To celebrate our artistic endeavors we did what all great minds do... we made silly faces. When it was time for me to leave I sailed away thinking, "What an affirming little mouse and a magical place the land of Dalrymple in the Kingdom of Jasper is!"

A Couple of Shout Outs

To my brethren of Mississippi origin (Jean & Eric): I couldn't help but to think of ya'll when I saw this tomato with mayo laying on the ground when we stopped for gas on the trip home.

To my health conscious and compassionate sisters: This chicken truck reminded me of all the conversations of the cruel reality faced by poultry, swine, and beef cattle in the world today. (Just look how sad those chickens are. They can hardly move, but I guess its for the good of taste and profit. I mean who would want to eat anything that actually exercised its muscles? It would be way too tough to chew.)

To all ya'll ;) "Furmanites": I came across this picture while satiating my nostalgia and check out my friends' shirt! Crazy...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

it's about time...sort of

My name is Sarah Denton (I'm the one on the far left with short blond hair), and I have been here since July 1st of the summer, but you haven't heard from me for two reasons. First, I am completely and utterly computer illiterate, and I lack the desire and passion to really understand computers, so today's blogg is an incredible feat for me! Secondly, and more importantly, I did not want to miss one moment with my incredible friends here--working or laughing or talking or whatever.....not even to write about it to the rest of the world. Today however, I have time to write because they have all left. They left on Friday actually (that's where the computer illiterate bit factors in)...and I have finally learned how to post so here I go.

How do you sum up a month and a half on a blogg which others will read? I don't want to bore you, but I don't want to limit my words and do each of these phenominal people and the work being done here a disservice...but I fear both will inevitably happen. Bare with me :)

Each intern who served here brought such a unique talent and personality, but far from dividing us these differences formed one of the most unique communities I have ever seen. They welcomed me--the late intern who had been traveling for a month while they worked tirelessly--and they loved on me in an incredible way. They poured out love in the small details--like laughing at my mistakes when I wanted to scream, by teaching me how to drywall, or drive a stick shift, or check out tools from the tool crib. They loved me by giving wise advice, dancing with me no matter where we were, putting up with my endless energy and sudden sleep attacks in the middle of hang out time--and even loved me when I broke the hammock and almost killed two of them in the fall! I have seen here women of God who are not affraid of work, and who are not affraid of vulnerability--no I take that back. They were terrified of vulnerability but because of God's grace were able to enter into community despite those fears and walk in openess. I have seen men of God here who are incredibly strong and yet incredibly humble--men who understood community as well and were willing to teach and encourage in a way I have never seen before. I want to write a paragraph on each individual...but I realize that's not possible, so don't worry. (This is what happens when you have an english major who misses her incredible friends....perhaps this is the stuff of bad novels, but I would prefer to think that perhaps the incredible novels come from emotions like this :)

The work is still going on here. Yesterday a friend and I moved a lot of lumber onto the lumber racks welded and installed by our incredible guys; we cleaned the area, we threw out all the debris....things haven't stopped because everyone has left, but it feels different. We as interns aren't vital for this ministry to go on; Lagniappe will continue to grow and work by God's grace and when we leave others will fill our spots or do the work we were used to do...but it is an incredible priviledge to be included in the work. Saying bye on Friday there were tears, not because our world was coming to the end or because none of us are going to be able to function in the outside world (though I'm sure we are all wondering if we really will be :), but because we have to leave something which has shaped us, is incredibly real, and which will never be assembled in the same way again until heaven...there is a picture below of Eric, Tom, and Dave saying goodbye and I would venture to say it is one of the best expressions of the relationships formed here. Debby Downer is bowing out now and optimist Sarah is returning, and I promise to stop typing soon. I have been so blessed by the chance to be here; blown away by the way God is working in Bay St. Louis and in the lives of all the people he brought here to serve. I have been challenged, strengthened, weakened, and made to rely on Christ in a beautiful way. Here is a place where lame people get serve, and don't get criticized when we limp because we know it's not us doing the work in the first place.

Enjoy the pictures, I don't have them all so more will come tomorrow, but I hope that some of the incredibly hillarious and beautiful personalities of the interns comes through just a little bit :)

Friday, August 11, 2006

so everyone's transferring to furman, right?

I'm just a teenager, but I'm doing all right for a college kid ;)

let's take a walk down memory lane with some of my favorite lagniappe moments...
1. Driving Ryn to the airport at 4:00 in the morning while still in a coma with my eyes closed
2. Learning to drive a stick for the first time with the gray truck, a large trailer, and 5000 lbs on it in a crowded 84 lumber parking lot and then destroying the trailer tire on an obnoxiously oversized fence in the parking lot. In hindsight, it wasn't our best idea.
3. Hearing Jean in his self-gratifying moments e.g. being a blessing to this church
4. Having Jill pop my tire within a 400 foot radius of the church and sweet Dave fixing it the next day
5. Listening to our friend Kevin freestyle about Smokey the dog
6. How much joy we find in a bottle of water and a real shower
7. When people I've just met comment on how small my hands and feet are
8. Being reminded that I resemble an elf.
9. When Ryn asked me where they could find me in the movie Elf. Thanks.
10. When Ryn asked me if I'd ever been a mall elf. Even better.
11. Being voted most likely to become a rapper. Finally you recognize my lyrical genius and crazy rhetoric!
12. Having Dave and Haley come with me and Steph to YL camp and getting to see a huge, important part of our lives.

I think 12 is a good, strong number for right now.

I had no idea how difficult it would be to say goodbye to y'all today. It's become so evident that what was started here was completely designed by the Lord. How else could so many extremely different 'terns form a whole-heartedly functional and devoted group -- devoted to each other and spurring one another on in doing God's work. Although I cried buckets today, you could probably call me ridiculously excited because I know this is not the last time I'll see you guys. I can't wait to see how our relationships are continued and what kind of paper mache creations I receive in the mail from each of you (don't worry, I'll blog my school address later so that you can send them soon). I spy a challenge: I really want to know the paths that each of your lives are taking, so keep up with this blog. Do it. I love you all so much. I'll probably write something cheesier later.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

every grain of sand

As I write, I'm sitting in the basement of my parents' home in Topeka, KS. I drove here from BSL on monday and tuesday (approx. 16 hours- really not that long y'all...come see me!) and had some awesome time to listen to newly acquired cds and sermons (thanks Jordan). On the 'tern mix, I listened to "Every Grain of Sand" least 5 times. When the song would end, I would rewind it just enough to hear the last line again: "I'm hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan- like every sparrow falling and like every grain of sand." (ooh, and p.s.-I have a lump in my throat the size of a fema trailer as I write this) I guess that line just really hit me- we're in the balance of a perfect finished plan. We don't know what that plan looks like or how our present situation fits into that, but we know that God already has it figured out and his plan is perfect. God has every detail figured out (down to the details of each grain of sand...which has so much more meaning now) and Lagniappe was part of His perfect plan for each one of our lives. I'm SO thankful for all you lagniappe folk and the awesomeness of this summer- I love you guys and miss you like crazy. Posted by Picasa
i thought about writing to each person here that i care about....... however...... this way others will be able to understand the amount of love that i have for these amazing people. fyi... this might get a little / a lot sappy...

Jean, Kim & fam: i've had the plessure of getting to know your family. from the moment i arrived in the bay, you made me feel at home (probably because we were arguing within 1 minute of knowing each other). Jean... it means so much to me that you made me your friend instead of just an "employee"... thanks for all the advice and encouragement. you helped me more than you know. Kim... you welcomed me into your home and made me feel like a part of your family. TJean, H.G., & A.E.... y'all are so great. i still cant determine whether you three are exceptionally mature or if i'm just exceptionally immature (probably the latter). thank you all for the love of Christ that you showed me on a daily basis.

Andy & Cammie: you two are phenominal. Andy... i know that you and i are always joking around with each other but let me tell you... thank you for all the times you put me in my place and vice versa... i had a blast. Cammie... you are amazing. thank you for letting us in your house all the time to hang out and eat all your food. thank you to both of you for putting up me and all the other 'terns.

Curt & Kelly: Curt... i love your sence of humor... please continue to laugh. Kelly... i, along with everyone else, am praying for you and Curt. we love you all very much.

Jordan: my brother... youve looked out for me even before i got down here. thank you for continually calling me to come down here. God used you to get His child back. you are such an amazing man. God is going to continue to use you to do incredible things. i love you so much and am terribly thankful for you.

Emily: i already miss you. thank you for always making me laugh... you have the ability to any time you want. i miss the looks that you would give me and the way you would say, "Haley, why would say that?" in your unintentional Napolian Dynamite voice. i miss your blunt-ness and your seriousness as well. never stop asking questions. i love you so much Em.

Ryn: my roommate... until we got the hammock. i love your ability to love. you quietly show how much you love this community by the perpetual hard work that you do. you outwardly show how much you love me by the hugs and tears that we've shared together. thank you for all the times you let me show you a portion of the love that you show me.

Eric: my drywall partner... for a time. i loved getting to work with you the short amount of time that we did. i love being able to hear you laugh through the wall... its the best. youre brilliant. thank you for your willingness to listen to my craziness and the advice that you have given me. i love you so much Remmy.

Emily Mark: i'm so thankful that i had the plessure of meeting you. you and Eric are so blessed to have each other. youre a wonderful woman. i love that you are always positive and smiling... keep it up Em.

Tom: i had the prevelidge of taking you to the hospital. no... not because i get some sort of sick enjoyment out of seeing you so ill... but because i had the opportunity to show you a small amount of love that you show to everyone that you come in contact with. when i think hugs, i think Tom Hart. what an appropriate last name... you have such a big heart. i love you very much Marv.

Kim: youve not been gone a whole day and i already miss you. i miss the way you get tickled and start to honk. you pour yourself into your work and i admire you for that. thank you for the hugs... you just seem to fit right there. you are most kind. thank you for being my friend. i love you.

Zech: youre great. thank you for teaching me patience... i truly mean that. you are a fantastic person and God blessed me with your friendship. i miss your close talking. i love you very much.

Austin: i miss my Austin. you are hysterical! you have an amazing sence of humor... always making me laugh. thank you for all the fun we had together... all the awkward hugs. i think they broke us of that though. i love you and i cant wait to see you in greenville... trust me i'll be there often.

Stephanie: you truly amaze me. your love, your patience, your kindness. youre a wonderful woman. you are going to be incredible mother. i'm so thankful that i got to spend that week at camp with you and be shown your amazing qualities. i love you Steph.

Sarah: oh my Sarah. i love you so very much. you are an anomaly... i love it. i love your eagerness and your energy. i love that you can sleep anywhere. thank you for your friendship.

Jill: i'm sad that we dont get to spend a lot of time together. i wish that i could get to know you more. hopefully we can hang out when i come to visit in greenville. i want to thank you for being a good friend to my girls. from what i hear and can see for myself... youre pretty flippin awesome.

David: i admire you so. you have such a love for life... youre always learning. your patience, your passion, your faith, your humility is so encouraging. God is using you to do great things for Him. thank you for your friendship. i love you very much and will miss you.

Christy: my sister. where do i start. i love Christy Shores. you are such an amazing blessing to me. i am incredibly thankful for you and your love. i love my little elf. i will be in greenville often... i am unwilling to live without you. even though you dont think you have... youve helped me tremendously. i love you so much.

Thank you God for these people in my life. You have truly blessed me with their love, acceptance, and friendships. You've given me a whole other family. You've shown me that there are quality people in this world. Thank you Lord for this experience.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Caught Between the Promise and the Things I Know

Above is the calendar with all of our departure dates on it....also known as the calendar of sadness...

Someone asked me today what I would miss most about Lagniappe, and I struggled to come up with an answer. What I will miss most about this beautiful place isn't tangible. It's the love here. It's our love for God, love for each other, and our love for this city. I honestly can not describe this community, you will have to come experience it for yourself (please do- they'd love to have you down). We are just beginning to become truly familiar with the residents of this community. We see them at Waffle House (we achieved "regular" status today thanks to our awesome waitress, Tara), or Bay City Grill, or wherever, and we say to each other- "I delievered a shed to them," or "They came in yesterday," or we're recognized first and are thanked for whatever it is we were able to do for them. It is beginning to feel more and more like home each day...and now we are leaving. Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but this is a reality that we are all facing, regardless of how much denial we are in.
I heard this song by Sarah Groves on Wednesday, and I stopped what I was doing and thought that the words had been composed directly from my journal...

I don't want to leave here
I don't want to stay
It feels like pinching to me
Either way
And the places I long for the most
Are the places where I've been
They are calling out to me
Like a long lost friend

It's not about losing faith
It's not about trust
It's all about comfortable
When you move so much
And the place I was *Tuscaloosa* wasn't perfect
But I had found a way to live
And it wasn't milk or honey
But then neither is this

I've been painting pictures of Egypt
Leaving out what it lacks
And the future *away from BSL* feels so hard
And I want to go back *or stay...whatever...*
But the places that used to fit me
Cannot hold the things I've learned
Those roads were closed off to me
While my back was turned

The past *BSL* is so tangible
I know it by heart
Familiar things are never easy
To discard
I was dying for some freedom
But now I hesitate to go
I am caught between the Promise
And the things I know

So with a little shifting of the words...this song describes me perfectly. Ryn offered a great piece of advice for me on Thursday. She said, "Take Lagniappe with you, and figure out how to make it work wherever you are." I wish there was a word for Lagniappe x a million...because that is what I have been given here. If anyone reading this does not have plans to come down here, make them. Call Cammie, and come experience it for yourself. Or come on down to Arab and visit me. We'll go eat a the L'Rancho (Little joke for the 'terns...)

Learning To Fly ;-)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I Heart the Terns

I Love You All

Happy Birthday Zech (aka: Zeke, Zetch, Zick)

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Rather Be At

Ya know how "they" have those shirts and bumber stickers that say, "I would rather be golfing... or I would rather be fishing." Well, I would rather be at Lagniappe!